Ebby Halliday negotiated a 15% discount for you!

Top agents use Adwerx for smarter local digital advertising

Ebby Halliday negotiated a 15% discount for you!

Top agents use Adwerx for smarter local digital advertising

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Ebby Halliday negotiated a 15% discount for you!

Top agents use Adwerx for smarter local digital advertising

Check your zip codes

Sample ad

What does Adwerx do?
  • Promotes your brand to potential clients
  • Follows prospects wherever they go online
  • Targets local people in the market for your services

Check your zip codes

Sample ad

What does Adwerx do?
  • Promotes your brand to potential clients
  • Follows prospects wherever they go online
  • Targets local people in the market for your services

Watch how Adwerx brings "big brand" marketing to real estate agents

Build your customized ad in seconds

  • No graphic designer needed
  • Create optimized ads for Facebook, websites, and mobile apps
  • Automatically add your details and images
sample ad builder

Uncover new buyers & sellers

  • Identify and analyze consumer behavior to reach potential clients
  • Find a new audience you aren't reaching today
  • Use state-of-the-art targeting technology
audience targeting diagram

Advertise on Facebook and sites across the web

  • Find people anywhere they go
  • Advertise on thousands of websites, in the Facebook mobile NewsFeed, and in thousands of mobile apps
  • See a list of sample sites
examples of sites that will feature your ad

All trademarks are the property of the respective owners. Adwerx is not endorsed by, or affiliated with, the trademark owners.

Target prospects in your local zips

  • Reach a local audience with simple pricing
  • Promote in your current territory
  • Expand your business into new areas

Facebook ads target a 15-mile radius from the center of your chosen area. On the Web, your ad will target zip codes selected by each target radius.

available zip code slots

Get daily summary reports

  • Get daily updates about your campaigns and their performance
  • Gain quick insights into your results
  • Make informed decisions about your next move
ad performance graph